SEO stands for “Search Engine Optimization”. Search Engine Optimization is the whole of the work done to ensure that our websites gain more visibility in search engines.
We can increase our visitors by placing them in better positions (rankings) on Google and other search engines.
To be successful in this field, one must understand the Google search engine and its purpose. Now is the time to learn what SEO is, how it is done, and the details. If you’re ready, let’s start:
Table of Contents
What is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)?
SEO is the non-paid (known as “organic”) effort to increase visitors to your website through search engine results.
In other words:
It is the name given to all the work done to make websites perform better in search engines.
SEO is the abbreviated form of the words Search Engine Optimization. The goal is for websites to rank better on the search engine results page (SERP).
With SEO, you can increase the performance of your website and reach more visitors.
Thanks to this content, you will learn the answer to the question of What is SEO and information about how Search Engine Optimization is done. You will also be able to get quick answers to all frequently asked questions after the content. Don’t let the long content scare you, you will enjoy it when you are reading it.
Thanks to this content
You will learn the answer to the question “What is SEO?” and information about how Search Engine Optimization is done. You will also be able to get quick answers to all frequently asked questions that you have in mind after the content. Don’t be afraid that the content is long, you will enjoy reading it.
What Is SEO Stands For?
SEO Stands For Acronym for Search Engine Optimization
Why Is SEO Necessary? Why Is It Important?
The purpose of SEO is to rank websites high on Google or a targeted search engine based on words. Websites that rank higher get more clicks. Many visitors make every web entrepreneur happy, but the most important thing here is the number of qualified users. In other words, you should do Search Engine Optimization not to get more visitors, but to get more qualified visitors.
If you do not have experience in this area, you can start working with an SEO expert. We recommend making sure you find the right specialist. Because unconscious work can cause serious damage to your site. Most specialists usually offer the following services:
- Researching the General Structure of Your Site.
- Reviewing Your Site’s Content, Revising and Recommending New Content.
- Making Suggestions for Improving Your Website According to Google and Other Search Engines.
- Keyword Research.
- Competitor and Industry Analysis.
- SEO Training.
- Developing and Implementing Off-Site Strategies.
- Preparation of Professional and Understandable SEO Reports.
Understanding SERP is Understanding SEO
If you master the SERP results, you will be successful in SEO. Everyone gives feedback. They create posts about SEO and allow you to gain experience. The point you should pay particular attention to in this regard is SERP, the Search Engine Results Page.
Understanding this determines your SEO future. To give an example:
You have identified your target words and you want to move up. The first thing you need to do here is to search on Google and dominate the first page. There are questions you need to ask and answer. These are:
- Can I do better than the content creation pages my competitors are producing?
- Can I meet the user’s expectations here?
- Can I compete with my competitors on the first page? (Investment)
- Do I understand the search intention? Can I work per this search intention?
Regardless of the date, if the SERP changes, you should change too. You should act according to how the SERP is today. Remember, results may change. The important thing is that you keep up with these results and change.
What SEO Means (Comprehensive Overview)
SEO includes various techniques and strategies you can use to increase website traffic. Traffic from search engines is also known as organic. Visitors are actively searching for what you have to offer and tend to convert more often.
Being superior to your competitors can be a challenge, but this is where search engine optimization begins. If you struggle to get Google to read and understand your content (optimizing the website), you can rank higher on the search results pages.
For your website to stand out, you must learn how to optimize it, and to do so, you must understand how search engines work. We have always compared this event to a game. This game has rules and these rules are determined by Google. Keeping these rules in mind and playing the game according to them will greatly reduce the chance of failure.
Are you ready to play the game by the rules now?
How Do Search Engines Work?
Many factors determine results in the SERP, but among the most important are relevance, expertise, and trust. Understanding these signals and optimizing your site accordingly will benefit your website. It is essential to consider these factors, as Google and other search engines want to offer their users only the most relevant and competent results.
3 Important Phases
This process works in three phases:
- Crawl: Google scans and downloads text, images, and videos on the pages it detects.
- Indexing: Google analyzes the text, images, and video files on the page and stores the information it obtains in its index, a large database.
- Ranking: When a user searches on Google, it presents the best new and most relevant content that matches the user’s search intent.
For more detailed information, you may visit
Google is a quality search engine. It has come to these days because it provides a quality experience to its users. Whichever website provides this quality experience, always rewards that website. In other words, if we help Google provide a quality experience, we will receive the reward in a short time.
Once you understand the working logic of search engines, you should focus on user search intent. Because this is the most important topic that will help you get rankings.
Why Are Keywords Important?
Keywords are essential for your Search Engine Optimization strategy. Therefore, you should use an analytical approach. First, think about your potential visitor. What kind of search are they doing, what do they want? You cannot optimize your page for hundreds of different terms. That’s why we need to choose very specific queries and decide what we’re optimizing.
There are 3 important things to keep in mind: Frequency, Competition, and Relevance.
The keyword research process is the relationship between KV (Keyword Volume ), frequency (how often people search for things), and competition (how competitive the market is).
When doing Keyword Volume Search, most of us do not search for the keyword to target. The aim is to include important keywords that describe the content we prepare. This will make us more visible in search engines and will contribute more to our targeted keyword.
SEO Examples
Let’s say you own an e-commerce site that sells mobile phones:
Example 1: The user searches for “iPhone”.
You may want to be in a good position on the search results pages in this world. This is indeed a high-demand keyword, as well as a highly competitive keyword. Also, let’s consider that your potential users don’t want to buy a new phone, they just search to find some information and view pictures. In this case, we will determine that your pages are not very relevant to this, and this search will not be converted.
Example 2: User searches for “iPhone 14 Pro Max 128GB”.
Now, that’s not a frequently searched keyword like “iPhone”. However, this search is a word that is highly relevant to your site and has a highly competitive rate and a very high probability of resulting in conversions. In this world, you can probably get better positions in a shorter time.
Keyword research is one of the most important parts of the SEO process. It’s all about what you want to do with conversions or inbound traffic. More traffic or traffic that will drive more conversions? Conversion optimization is a very different topic.
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What is On-Site Optimization?
As its name implies, on-site optimization deals with changes made to the website. It is important to know how your content is displayed to users. SERP has a title, a description, and a website URL, and these are the first areas you should improve when you start optimizing your website.
You must put a unique, descriptive title and description for each page on your website. You should also make sure you have a clear and intuitive URL structure.
We won’t cover every aspect, but we stand to list some high-priority factors below:
- You should provide fresh, great content relevant to the industry your website is in.
- You must use a unique title and description tag for each page.
- You can internally link with the targeted anchor text but don’t overdo it here.
- Make sure you use the title tags (H1-H6) appropriately.
- Image optimization, ALT tags, and URL usage are all important aspects.
- Make sure you have a mobile-friendly website.
- You should focus on the fast loading of your website.
You can also check out some design, technical, and quality tips. All this can help you improve your rankings and much more.
How to do SEO? You can access the content we wrote about it from this link >> Thanks to this content, you will have serious experience in SEO.
What is Off-Page Optimization?
Off-site optimization is the whole of the work done to support the website from the outside and increase its performance. Hereby, the first thing that comes to mind is backlinks. Even if the most important factor in off-page SEO work seems to be backlinks, this is not so.
Here are the off-site channels that affect Search Engine Optimization:
- Strategic and Natural Shares Made From Social Media Accounts
- Social Media Ads
- Google Ads
- Public Relations
- Youtube
- Links (Backlink) / Promotional Articles, Sponsored Links, etc…
Search Engine Optimization efforts are directly supported by such works, through channels where your target audience is active. Success in this field is beyond any doubt an issue that comes with off-site optimization. Therefore, after laying the foundation of the site and publishing high-quality content, you should support it with external strategies.
How Can I Measure My SEO Performance?
There are many different data you can pull from Google Analytics to find out how your site is performing organically. Here are metrics that can help you understand when you’re going in the right direction when you measure the performance of your work:
Channel Grouping – How does your organic traffic perform compared to other channels such as paid search, referral traffic, social media, or email marketing?
Average Position – What is the average rank of your website in the SERP for a given query?
Clickthrough Rate – What is the impression your website has received in a particular query in the SERP and the CTR (the number of clicks divided by total impressions) of the relevant query?
Conversions – How many conversions are there compared to other channels? What is the conversion rate?
Behavior – What is the bounce rate of organic visitors? What is the page-to-visit rate per visit and the average duration of time on the site?
How Can I Improve My Business with SEO?
Search Engine Marketing (SEM) can help you find high-performing keywords that are worth optimizing for return on investment (ROI). Instead of waiting for your organic traffic to increase, you can start a Google Ads campaign. In this way, you can identify words with great potential among the keywords you have used.
Thanks to Google Ads, you can also identify the words that bring conversion and focus on these words. Without wasting time, you can increase both your traffic and your income through visitors coming through organic traffic. However, do not find the keywords you are targeting and start SEO studies, definitely do not reduce the AdWords budget on these words, and do not stop targeting these words. It would be much better to use these two channels together.
Good SEO improves quality scores and helps Google ADS campaigns. This will reduce the overall costs per click and the campaign, as well as increase your chances of success.
Before working on SEO
You need to master the Google quality guidelines. You can visit for this. I have shared some of these guidelines for you below.
Google Webmaster Guidelines
Basic Principles:
- Don’t make pages for search engines, make them for users.
- Do not deceive your users.
- Avoid tricks aimed at improving search engine rankings. In particular, you should make sure that your website is helping your visitors.
- Think about what makes your website unique, valuable, or stunning.
Things to Avoid:
- Automatically generated content.
- Joining Auto Connect networks.
- Creating duplicate pages with little or no original content.
- The practice of showing different content to Search Engine crawlers than visitors.
- Hidden text and links.
- Hyperlink pages are built to rank well for certain searches to drive traffic to your website.
For more information
we recommend you visit
What Should Be Considered When Choosing an SEO Expert?
Before deciding to work with a specialist, you should make sure that you have answered the following questions.
- What is your experience in the industry we are in?
- Do you follow Google webmaster guidelines?
- What are the most important criteria you consider?
- How long have you been dealing with SEO?
- Can I see your work samples related to case studies, cases, and successful projects?
- How do you do the reporting? Can I see an example?
- What are your communication channels or channels? How can I reach you?
- What is your prediction? How soon can we get results?
- May I know your references?
- Why should I work with you?
You should stay away from experts who manage work processes that do not comply with Google rules and criteria for you. This can put your website on an irreversible path.
What Should Be Considered When Choosing an SEO Expert?
Before you decide to work with an expert, you should make sure you have answers to the following questions.
- What is your experience in our sector?
- Are you following Google webmaster guidelines?
- What are your most important criteria?
- How long have you been involved with SEO?
- Can I see your case studies, cases, and examples of your successful projects?
- How do you do the reporting? Can I see an example?
- What is your communication channel or channels? How can I reach you?
- What is your vision? How soon can we expect results?
- May I know your references?
- Why should I work with you?
You should stay away from experts who manage a working process that does not comply with Google rules and criteria for you. This can put your website on an irreversible path.
How to do SEO?
Let’s come to the most important issue. :) I would like to give step-by-step information about how Search Engine Optimization is done.
- On-site optimization
- Content Generation and Optimization
- Technical Audit and Optimization
- PR and Links i.e. External Optimization
- Continuous Keyword Research
You should review the content that I have covered extensively on these issues.
How to Do SEO from A to Z?
How to Do SEO from A to Z? Visit and check out my comprehensive guide.
As a Result
SEO is not an “implement and leave it” kind of job. You need to provide your visitors with fresh, unique content regularly. Many factors can affect results. These factors are constantly changing.
I would like to convey to you, my valuable visitors, important information about the Search Engine Optimization process. I mentioned it at the very beginning of my content, but it is useful to mention it again: This is a game. This game has rules and the rules are set by the Google search engine. If you play the game according to the rules, you will be rewarded. This reward is long-lasting.
Expecting results in SEO in a short time is one of the biggest mistakes. Be patient and work.
Do you have something on your mind? You can direct your questions to us using the comment section. You can be sure that I will answer your questions with pleasure and very quickly. Come on, don’t wait, ask now.
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